Local Coverage
We have publications in over 1,000 US cities and towns as well as the largest cities in each country. 100+ of our US city publications are our bureaus for the area. Those bureaus are all real time and mobile responsive. Whenever we begin to receive a lot of news in a town, no matter the size of the town, we will move that city publication to the new platform.
For each city, we are very interested in:
- Economic Development
- Tourism
- Employment
- Arts & Entertainment
- Philanthropy
We like to work closely with:
- Major Companies
- Major Events, Conferences & Trade Shows
- Chamber of Commerce
- Economic Development Councils
- Tourism Bureaus
Here are a few of your local coverage opportunities:
Press Releases
Every Press Release we publish in an industry also gets published in at least one city. So, please make sure you include the city in the press release. We also publish press releases from local organizations such as Chambers, Economic Development Councils and Tourism Bureaus.
Hotels, Restaurants & Attractions
A big part of our coverage is profiling the absolute best hotels, restaurants and attractions. Our editors will do this in several ways. Our preference is to visit the city and do full coverage including reviews, photos and video. We also interview top executives from the city to ask their recommendations.
Major Companies
We are very interested in profiling the major companies in each city as well as interviewing their top executives.
Top Employers
We are interested in profiling the top employers in each city.
Each city publication carries the largest and most important events. We can also carry the press releases surrounding these events. In cities with large convention centers, we often include the major trade shows in the city events as well.
We would love to have your top executives tells us about their favorite things about their home towns. Topics also include economic development, education, hotels, restaurants and attractions.
We like to support philanthropies as much as possible. Although we can’t cover everything, we would like to cover major events and new from the companies we cover. This is usually done by us publishing the press releases of the other major companies we cover.
Sponsor Opportunities
While our coverage is editorial and no cost, we do allow a limited amount of sponsor opportunities on this coverage. As always, we even consider sponsors to be content and we want them to be relevant to the content they are sponsoring. Contact us for details.